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Internal control systems evaluation services

Internal control systems evaluation services.

Internal control systems aim to ensure compliance with the implementation of responsibilities within the limits of the powers granted and also aim to preserve the assets of companies as well as discovering intended and unintended errors and abuses as they happen and work to avoid the occurrence of such abuses in addition to ensuring the accuracy and completeness of accounting records and the preparation of financial statements and reports in The appropriate times. The internal control system includes many controls and procedures aimed at verifying:

  1. Perform all operations in accordance with the powers set by the administration.
  2. Record all financial operations in the accounts concerned with the correct amounts and at the time that they must be recorded in accordance with the approved accounting policies.
  3. The specialists regularly match his account balances with the existing assets.
  4. Freedom to access the company's assets, information and reports it prepares in accordance with the powers granted.

Often some gaps appear in the internal control system approved by the administration, and this leads to the failure to discover violations and errors that take place immediately after the occurrence, and the emergence of some violations of powers and responsibilities, loss of control over the assets of the facility and the loss of its rights, and this often occurs due to a defect in the internal control system or due to non-compliance By that system.

Our services to our customers in this aspect include conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the internal control system followed in their companies with the aim of identifying weaknesses in it and preparing procedures and controls to address weaknesses in a manner that ensures an increase in the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal control system in those companies.

We provide this service to our clients based on their wishes, as we perform internal audits in accordance with internationally accepted standards, and we prepare periodic reports that include the results of carrying out that review and highlight the most important problems experienced by our customers ’facilities.